Evening lads. The first act of an upcoming solo, officially titled "Cinemadness Subjugation" is now complete. It was finished at the end of August, so more time was spent on it than I wanted to. A small fraction of it is attributed to tedious foundation work that had to be laid for this new style. Fortunately, that will carry over into the next act, so that will shave off some of the production time. My current projection for Act II's deadline is towards the end of the year.
While that is being worked on, there's still some time to spare before Madness Day, and I've been getting suggestions to release a trailer (or the entirety of act one, what?) from at least one other person. While I planned to do a trailer further down the road, what I have now is insubstantial, so it'd be a short teaser at most. As for the idea of releasing what I have now and releasing the rest of it later, that's a terrible idea because I don't want to release things incomplete; it'd be Deliverance all over again.
So because I'm not decided on this, I'll put it to a vote: Should I release a teaser, or just keep working on the movie? maybe the following teaser images will help you decide.
Release all of act 1 on Madness day or else you'll wake up 7 feet under. I love you btw ♥‿♥